- 培养几何直觉、空间思维和想象、科学思维和逻辑思维能力;培养语言表达能力、认识和觉察情绪的能力和讲故事的技巧。
Myths from around the World 世界各地的神话故事
- play “12 labors of Hercules”
- the myth of Hercules
- what are the tasks of Hercules?
- what happened vs. how you tel the story?
- what are some interesting details?
Beautiful Geometry 美丽的几何课
- tiling chessboard (related games: 俄罗斯⽅块)
- counting all possible solutions (解决问题的不同方式)
- bigger polyomino bocks (as introducton to packing problem)
- challengng packng puzzles
scientific thinking 科学思维课
- introduction (nature is a puzzle, science rules, house of mirrors)
- structure
- gears
Logic 逻辑课
- warmup puzzles
- truth-seekng
- strategic deductions
- riddes of order
- crafty counting
k’nex玩具; 下载12 labors of Hercules 游戏【学习反馈】
- 培养几何直觉、空间思维和想象、科学思维和逻辑思维能力;培养语言表达能力、认识和觉察情绪的能力和讲故事的技巧。
Myths from around the World 世界各地的神话故事
the myth of Arachne Iseultthe myth of Icarus and Daedalus
Beautiful Geometry 美丽⼏何课
- X-only
- tiling and cutting
- congruent cutting
- pick’s theorem
- pegboard rectangles
scientific thinking 科学思维课
Logic 逻辑课
- mystery containers
- futoshiki
- shuffles
- false information
洞洞板、皮筋和线; 滑轮;桌球
- 培养几何直觉、空间思维和想象、科学思维和逻辑思维能力;培养语言表达能力、认识和觉察情绪的能力和讲故事的技巧。
Myths from around the World 世界各地的神话故事
- the myth of Prometheus
- the tragic myth of Orpheus and Eurydice
Beautiful Geometry 美丽几何课
- pegboard triangles
- pick’s theorem generalized
- pick’s theorem with one hole
- pick’s theorem with multiple holes
scientific thinking 科学思维课
- flow
- hot matter
- heat flow
- pressure
Logic 逻辑课
- werewolves
- logical language
- if A, then B
- eliminaton grids
when was the last time you were happy? What happened?
When was the last time you cried? What happened?
When was last time you were brave? What happened?
把其中一个发展成小故事,with interesting conflicts
- 培养几何直觉、空间思维和想象、科学思维和逻辑思维能力;培养语言表达能力、认识和觉察情绪的能力和讲故事的技巧。
Myths from around the World 世界各地的神话故事
- the myth of Thors journey to the land of giants
- the Cambodan myth of lightning thunder and rain
Beautiful Geometry 美丽几何课
- regular tesselations
- semi regular tessellations
- transforming tiles
scientific thinking 科学思维课
- flow in pipes
- buoyancy (浮力)
- introduction to light
- reflection
Logic 逻辑课
- jigsaw map
- perfect information
- hat colors
- hat colors with more people
通过组合这个miura strip基本型制造更牢固更能承重的各种结构(用正方硬卡纸折)
Myths from around the World 世界各地的神话故事
- the myth of King Midas and his golden touch
- hero of a thousand faces
Beautiful Geometry 美丽几何课
- irregular tiles
- reptiles
- infinite arithmetic
- M.C. Escher’s painting appreciation
scientific thinking 科学思维课
- charge
- circuits
- quantum lght
Logic 逻辑课
- red-eyed dragons
- logical pirates
- knight and knaves
- 打印埃舍尔的画、准备ipad上的游戏monument valley 《纪念碑谷》