STEAM and beyond组:Creative education for Future innovators


Our phenomenon-based and hands-on learning integrates different STEAM subjects, Humanities and Social Sciences, and supports the development of diverse skills and competencies.

Architecture is a perfect to integrate STEM subjects, humanities, and social sciences, due to its multidisciplinary nature. The architecture enables multidisciplinary project work including STEM subjects, humanities, and social sciences.

“In maths we don’t use our craft skills or do any architecture stuff. This way of using math skills is so much more fun.”

The programs enhance creativity and innovation skills by constantly engaging the pupils in design thinking processes through project based challenges.

指导老师:TANG, 以GPA第一毕业于爱尔兰都柏林大学 建筑设计专业。在爱尔兰国际知名建筑事务所O'Donnell+Tuome的工作经验。在国外学习生活11年。擅长汉语、英语,会法语。
