
Opening Repertoire: The Sveshnikov




拉普拉斯小妖 2020-05-23 18:48:53

The Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian Defence provides a
battleground for one of the key conflicts in chess: structure versus
activity. Black voluntarily accepts a weak pawn formation but in return
obtains easy development and excellent piece activity. This is a line
that finds favour with aggressive, attacking players who are confident
in their tactical ability. The idea of playing ...e5 in the Sicilian is
an old one but the modern Sveshnikov treatment was developed in the
1970s, since when it has featured in the repertoires of numerous elite
players. It is currently experiencing great popularity due to the fact
that it was Magnus Carlsen's choice in his World Championship Match
against Fabiano Caruana in London 2018. Carlsen's success with the line
was a significant factor in his eventual victory in the match. Since
then he has continued to use the Sveshnikov with great success.
Opening Repertoire: The Sveshnikov leading chess author Cyrus Lakdawala
guides the reader through the complexities of this dynamic variation
and carves out a repertoire for Black. He examines all aspects of this
highly complex opening and provides the reader with well-researched,
fresh, and innovative analysis. Each annotated game has valuable lessons
on how to play the opening and contains instructive commentary on
typical middlegame plans.
* A complete repertoire for Black in the Sicilian Sveshnikov.
* A question and answer approach provides an excellent study method.

拉普拉斯小妖 2020-05-23 18:49:40

在西西里...e5是一个古老的想法,但是现代的斯维什尼科夫下法是在20世纪70年代发展起来的,从那时起,它就出现在众多精英棋手的套路中。由于这是马格努斯·卡尔森(Magnus Carlsen)在2018年伦敦与法比亚诺·卡鲁阿纳(Fabiano Caruana)的世界冠军赛中的选择,它目前正经历着巨大的人气。卡尔森在此线上的成功是他最终赢得比赛的一个重要因素。从那时起,他一直在使用斯维什尼科夫,非常成功。
在《开局套路:斯维什尼科夫》领先的国际象棋作家塞勒斯拉克达瓦拉(Cyrus Lakdawala)指导读者通过这种动态变化的复杂性,并刻画出一个黑方的套路。他审视了这一高度复杂的开局的各个方面,并为读者提供了经过充分研究、新鲜和创新的分析。每一个注解的比赛都有关于如何开始比赛的宝贵经验,并且包含了对典型的中局计划的指导性评论。
赛勒斯·拉克达瓦拉(Cyrus Lakdawala)是一位国际大师,曾是全国公开赛和美国公开赛冠军,也是六届州冠军。他教国际象棋已经超过30年了,并指导美国一些顶尖的初级棋手。

