
Oleg Pervakov’s Industrial Strength Endgame Studies: A World Champion’s Favorite Composers




拉普拉斯小妖 2020-05-23 17:50:05

拉普拉斯小妖 2020-05-23 17:50:33

奥列格·佩尔瓦科夫(Oleg Pervakov)(1960年生于基洛夫市)是公认的俄罗斯现存最伟大的国际象棋作家。他已完成近500项研究,并曾三次获得国际象棋个人组合世界冠军:2004-2006年、2007-2009年和2013-2015年。
在这本书中,谢尔盖·特卡琴科(Sergei Tkachenko)从奥列格的最佳研究中选出了100篇。选择是相当不同的-从优雅的六步短棋着学习到浪漫的怪诞,棋盘上的许多棋子并超过30步的解决方案。然而,所有这些研究的共同点是,双方都发挥了惊人的作用。当心:他们很坚强!也就是说,奥列格的作品从不枯燥乏味。
谢尔盖·特卡琴科(Sergei Tkachenko,1963年出生,乌克兰敖德萨附近)是乌克兰队的一员,1997年获得第五届世界象棋组合锦标赛冠军,2000年、2004年、2013年和2017年获得第二名。他曾六次获得乌克兰国际象棋组合锦标赛的学习组冠军,并在100多个国际象棋组合锦标赛中获奖,其中许多是第一名。谢尔盖是乌克兰象棋组合队的教练。他还是乌克兰国际象棋联合会国际象棋组成委员会的新闻秘书。谢尔盖是一位获奖作家,他写了18本国际象棋书(俄语),包括作文和历史题材。他是乌克兰一家名为《乌克兰问题家》的国际象棋作文杂志的副主编,在ChessPro网站上有一个定期的研究专栏。谢尔盖是乌克兰记者联盟的成员。他是历史学家和档案学家,同时也是机械工程专业的毕业生。

拉普拉斯小妖 2020-05-23 17:50:54

Oleg Pervakov (born in 1960 in the
city of Kirov) is widely recognized as Russia’s greatest living chess
composer. He has composed nearly 500 studies and he has won the
individual chess composition world championship three times: in
2004-2006, 2007-2009 and 2013-2015.
In this book, Sergei
Tkachenko, a member of the Ukrainian team that won the 5th World Chess
Composition Tournament in 1997 and which came second in 2000, 2004,
2013, and 2017, has selected 100 of Oleg Pervakov’s best studies. The
selection is quite varied – from elegant short studies with six moves to
romantic grotesques with many pieces on board and over 30 moves to the
solution. Yet what all of these studies have in common is spectacular
play by both sides. And watch out: they are tough! That said, Oleg’s
compositions are never boring. You may buy this collection of studies to
test your endgame tactical abilities, to improve your endgame
understanding, or simply to appreciate chess in all its beauty.
Unlike previous studies books compiled by Sergei Tkachenko this book is not pocket-sized due to its longer solutions.

